Options |
Attribute |
Default |
Detail |
–single-trait |
flag |
– |
to implement single trait model. |
–multi-trait |
flag |
– |
to implement multiple traits model. |
–make-xrm |
flag |
– |
to construct and output relationship matrix. |
–trans-xrm |
flag |
– |
to transform file format of relationship matrix. |
–mme |
flag |
– |
to solve the mixed model equation with provided (co)variance components. |
–snp-effect |
flag |
– |
to compute and output snp effect. |
–maf |
flag |
– |
to compute the minor allele frequency. |
–mating |
flag |
– |
to implement genomic mating. |
–inbreeding |
flag |
– |
to calculate the inbreeding coefficient. |
–pheno |
file |
– |
the path and name of phenotype file, header should be included, missing value should be represented
by “NA”. |
–pheno-pos |
int |
2 |
the position of the analyzed phenotype in columns of phenotype file. For multiple traits, please use
comma as separator. |
–pedigree |
file |
– |
the path and name of pedigree file, header should be included, the order of columns should be “id”,
“father”, “mother”. |
–bfile |
file |
– |
the prefix of genotype files in plink binary format. |
–gebv |
file |
– |
the estimated genomic breeding values, the first column should be id, header should be
included. |
–score |
file |
– |
the estimated SNP effects, the first column should be SNP id, the rest columns are the SNP effects,
header should be included. |
–xrm |
file |
– |
the prefix of binary relationship matrix (*.bin and *.id). For multiple relationship matrix, please
use comma as separator. |
–dcovar |
int |
– |
the position of the discrete covariates (fixed effects, e.g. sex, year, …) in columns of phenotype
file (e.g. “–dcovar 4,5”). For interaction, please use colon as separator (e.g. “–dcovar
4,5,4:5”). |
–qcovar |
int |
– |
the position of the quantitative covariates (e.g. height, weight, …) in columns of phenotype
file. |
–rand |
int |
– |
the position of the random effects in columns of phenotype file. For interaction, please use colon
as separator. |
–rand-gxe |
int:file |
– |
a mixture of digital value and prefix of XRM, specify genetic-environment interaction (e.g.
“–rand-gxe 2:demo.GA”). |
–add |
flag |
– |
additive genetic effect. |
–add-inv |
flag |
– |
whether to compute the inverse of additive relationship matrix. |
–dom |
flag |
– |
dominant genetic effect. |
–dom-inv |
flag |
– |
whether to compute the inverse of dominant relationship matrix. |
–vc-priors |
double |
– |
the prior values of variance components for all random effects, please use comma as separator within
a trait, and use space as separator among traits. |
–covc-priors |
double |
– |
the prior values of co-variance components among traits for all ‘xrm’, please use comma as separator
among traits, and use space as separator among ‘xrm’. |
–snp-weight |
file |
– |
the path and name of a file containing weights for all SNPs when constructing GRM and calculating
SNP effects, the fist column shoud be SNP id. |
–vc-method |
text |
AI |
the algorithms (AI, EM, EMAI, HE, HI) for variance components estimation. |
–tol |
double |
1.00E-06 |
the tolerance for convergence of variance components estimation. |
–ai-maxit |
int |
20 |
the maximum number of iteration for AIREML. |
–em-maxit |
int |
20 |
the maximum number of iteration for EMREML. |
–alpha |
double |
0.05 |
weight of pedigree based relationship matrix when constructing H matrix for SSGBLUP
model. |
–ridge-value |
double |
0 |
ridge regression value for solving uninvertible square matrix. |
–triangle |
flag |
– |
input/output a triangle matrix (in format of ‘i j value’). |
–xrm-txt |
file |
– |
the file path and name of relationship matrix in text format. |
–xrm-id |
file |
– |
the file path and name of id for all individuals. |
–keep |
file |
– |
the path and name of a file listing individuals to be used in analysis. |
–remove |
file |
– |
the path and name of a file listing individuals to be removed in analysis. |
–extract |
file |
– |
the path and name of a file listing markers to be used in analysis. |
–exclude |
file |
– |
the path and name of a file listing markers to be removed in analysis. |
–pcg |
flag |
– |
to solve the system of linear equations A*x = b for x using the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients
Method. |
–pcg-num |
int |
0 |
the maximum number of iteration for Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients Method.
–step |
int |
10000 |
the number of markers that are loaded into RAM at a time when constructing GRM, smaller step helps
to reduce the memory cost, but would cause lower computational efficiency. |
–float-prec |
flag |
– |
whether to use float precision, it can help to reduce the memory cost in analysis.
–threads |
int |
0 |
the number of threads used for analysis. |
–out |
text |
hiblup |
the prefix of output files. |