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Options Attribute Default Detail
–single-trait flag to implement single trait model.
–multi-trait flag to implement multiple traits model.
–make-xrm flag to construct and output relationship matrix.
–trans-xrm flag to transform file format of relationship matrix.
–mme flag to solve the mixed model equation with provided (co)variance components.
–snp-effect flag to compute and output snp effect.
–maf flag to compute the minor allele frequency.
–mating flag to implement genomic mating.
–inbreeding flag to calculate the inbreeding coefficient.
–pheno file the path and name of phenotype file, header should be included, missing value should be represented by “NA”.
–pheno-pos int 2 the position of the analyzed phenotype in columns of phenotype file. For multiple traits, please use comma as separator.
–pedigree file the path and name of pedigree file, header should be included, the order of columns should be “id”, “father”, “mother”.
–bfile file the prefix of genotype files in plink binary format.
–gebv file the estimated genomic breeding values, the first column should be id, header should be included.
–score file the estimated SNP effects, the first column should be SNP id, the rest columns are the SNP effects, header should be included.
–xrm file the prefix of binary relationship matrix (*.bin and *.id). For multiple relationship matrix, please use comma as separator.
–dcovar int the position of the discrete covariates (fixed effects, e.g. sex, year, …) in columns of phenotype file (e.g. “–dcovar 4,5”). For interaction, please use colon as separator (e.g. “–dcovar 4,5,4:5”).
–qcovar int the position of the quantitative covariates (e.g. height, weight, …) in columns of phenotype file.
–rand int the position of the random effects in columns of phenotype file. For interaction, please use colon as separator.
–rand-gxe int:file a mixture of digital value and prefix of XRM, specify genetic-environment interaction (e.g. “–rand-gxe 2:demo.GA”).
–add flag additive genetic effect.
–add-inv flag whether to compute the inverse of additive relationship matrix.
–dom flag dominant genetic effect.
–dom-inv flag whether to compute the inverse of dominant relationship matrix.
–vc-priors double the prior values of variance components for all random effects, please use comma as separator within a trait, and use space as separator among traits.
–covc-priors double the prior values of co-variance components among traits for all ‘xrm’, please use comma as separator among traits, and use space as separator among ‘xrm’.
–snp-weight file the path and name of a file containing weights for all SNPs when constructing GRM and calculating SNP effects, the fist column shoud be SNP id.
–vc-method text AI the algorithms (AI, EM, EMAI, HE, HI) for variance components estimation.
–tol double 1.00E-06 the tolerance for convergence of variance components estimation.
–ai-maxit int 20 the maximum number of iteration for AIREML.
–em-maxit int 20 the maximum number of iteration for EMREML.
–alpha double 0.05 weight of pedigree based relationship matrix when constructing H matrix for SSGBLUP model.
–ridge-value double 0 ridge regression value for solving uninvertible square matrix.
–triangle flag input/output a triangle matrix (in format of ‘i j value’).
–xrm-txt file the file path and name of relationship matrix in text format.
–xrm-id file the file path and name of id for all individuals.
–keep file the path and name of a file listing individuals to be used in analysis.
–remove file the path and name of a file listing individuals to be removed in analysis.
–extract file the path and name of a file listing markers to be used in analysis.
–exclude file the path and name of a file listing markers to be removed in analysis.
–pcg flag to solve the system of linear equations A*x = b for x using the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients Method.
–pcg-num int 0 the maximum number of iteration for Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients Method.
–step int 10000 the number of markers that are loaded into RAM at a time when constructing GRM, smaller step helps to reduce the memory cost, but would cause lower computational efficiency.
–float-prec flag whether to use float precision, it can help to reduce the memory cost in analysis.
–threads int 0 the number of threads used for analysis.
–out text hiblup the prefix of output files.